Have you noticed that webinars and online videos are increasing in popularity? Take a quick look at Facebook or Twitter, and you’ll probably see several people announcing their next webinar or video series. And for good reason ~ Webinars are a great marketing tool!
Have you started using webinars as a marketing tool in your business yet? If not, here are several reasons why you should start considering it:
People See Webinars As Being Of High Value
With more and more businesses creating websites and blogs on a daily basis, you have to set yourself apart from them to get the attention of potential customers.
People view webinars as having a very high value. That means, they will be more likely to sign up for your free webinar. Getting someone’s name and email is the first step of a great marketing plan.
Webinars Help You Connect With An Audience
I’m sure you know that developing a great relationship with your audience will help you achieve more sales.
People want to do business with people they like. Your blog readers, Twitter followers, Facebook Fans, and newsletter subscribers have developed a relationship with you based on words that they read via a screen.
Strong relationships can certainly be built that way, but once you add in the element of a webinar, you can connect to your audience on a whole new level.
Webinars Allow You To Sell, Without Being Pushy
Yes, you will be giving out some great information for free, but while you’re doing that, you are able to slowly set up the sale.
For example, let’s say that you are a Business Coach, and your webinar topic is time management. You can share 5 tips that you use, and that you’ve taught your clients. You can give out some real life examples of how your clients have become successful.
At the end of the presentation, you’ll have people who are ready to join your next coaching program. They have heard you give good advice; they’ve heard success stories; and they want to be successful, too.
You Can Sell The Webinar!
Throughout this article, I’ve given you reasons why webinars are great for growing your list and getting more sales, but did you realize you can even sell the webinar? Most services allow you to record the webinar. You can also choose to have the audio transcribed, and then add a little formatting to create an ebook. You can easily sell that as an info product.
We can help you with all of that last part – just send us your recording and we’ll take care of the transcripts. We can also do a full package including editing, formatting, and ecover graphics. (click here to contact us and get started on that)
Transcriptionist by trade. Writer at heart. Seeker of knowledge and reader of novels. Dreamer of big colorful dreams. Specializing in transcription for small businesses and individuals, giving each project a personal touch and a reasonable turnaround time.